Marketing Strategy October 22, 2024 6 min read

Using AI to Build a Personalized Real Estate Marketing Strategy

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When it comes to marketing, nothing is more effective than making someone feel like something was put together specifically just for them – and vice versa, nothing is worse than getting a generic piece of marketing, at the wrong time, when it has nothing to do with your needs in the present moment.

That’s where personalization comes in. By creating marketing material that really speaks to someone, makes it feel like it was created just for them, and is delivered to them at just the right time, you have a better chance of connecting with them, and ultimately, having them reach out.

But, depending on the size of your database, creating marketing material for each specific person can be an impossible task.

That’s where AI can help. While AI has a lot of useful applications in a well-planned marketing strategy, personalization is one of the most useful, and most effective.

When planned properly, AI can help you build a more effective marketing strategy by doing a lot of the heavy lifting around making sure your audience receives the marketing material that feels personal, and at a time when it’s likely to be the most impactful.

★ Using AI successfully in your marketing strategy starts with having an up-to-date, comprehensive, and properly segmented CRM in place that has as much information as possible about your contacts. If you want to learn more about setting that up, have a look at these posts;

✓ While there are a lot of different applications that can leverage AI within your CRM, some of the more popular ones are HubSpot, Active Campaign, and Follow Up Boss – and you can find more right here.

Using AI for Your Personalization Strategy

Making someone feel like something was created just for them goes a long way to connecting with them.

For example, if you get a generic marketing email from a company you subscribe to, that’s a good way for them to remind you about their latest offerings, news, and most importantly, to remind you about the brand in general.

But if you get an email from a company, addressed to you, that outlines offerings and news that is specifically based on your details and your past history, it’s a lot more effective because it works towards making you think that the company actually knows and cares about you.

AI can help you build marketing that’s specific for each person, based on understanding who they are, what interests them, and where they are in the buyer’s journey.

★ Want to learn more about creating a personalized marketing strategy? Have a look at these posts:

Using AI for Your Timing Strategy

Delivering the right message, at just the right time, is key to getting results.

For example, if someone is constantly seeing real estate ads, and they’re not thinking about buying or selling, they probably won’t really notice them.

But if someone is thinking about buying or selling, they’ll likely begin to notice them more, and maybe even find them helpful in playing a part around which agent they should choose to work with.

That’s where timing comes in. AI can help you deliver your marketing content at just the right time, for just the right reasons, as long as it has access to, and the ability to understand, your contact database that has detailed information.

However, there’s a big difference between simple automation and AI.

For example, through simple automation, you can set up a general automaton that sends your contacts specific emails, related to selling, 3-5 years from when they transacted (or whenever you think they might be likely to sell and buy again).

But through using AI, the AI should be able to determine if someone is likely to sell and buy again, based on looking at, understanding, and utilizing multiple data points and deciding what to send based on that information when it’s likely to be the most effective.

★ Want to learn more about using artificial intelligence in real estate marketing? Have a look at these posts:

The more personal your marketing strategy is, the better results you’ll get from it. And while in the past, that meant a lot of manual work around setting up simple automations to help you deliver the right message, at the right time, to the right people, AI can do a lot of the work to make some of your marketing efforts easier for you, and more meaningful, impactful, and effective to your audience.

Want to plan your digital marketing strategy on your own, and set your business up for success? Download our workbook: ‘The Digital Marketing Planning Workbook’. It’s a self-guided, interactive workbook, where you answer questions about your marketing goals, brand and content strategy, lead generation plan, and a lot more, to get insight into the effectiveness of your overall digital marketing plan. And, it’s free to download.
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